Congrats Joey Guevara Thinks Skateboards Newest amateur Rider!

Congrats Joey Guevara Thinks Skateboards Newest amateur Rider !

Our boy Joey is now Think's newest am! Congrats Joey Guevara Thinks Skateboards Newest amateur Rider

Trends come and go but classic street skating will never need a tombstone and this Joey Guevara Temple Rhythms part is timeless. Hit play and enjoy the no BS barrage of clips. SJ all the way.
Joey may not be related to Che Guevara but he's still waging war—with the streets! Peep the photos and read about Joey'sTemple Rhythms part, visiting pyramids, double dipping a Tom Knox song and what it's like to film a part in good ol' San Jose. Who needs a plane ticket to get rad? Joey just oozes power and style, and even though we see Barcelona footy all the time his approach contributes a fresh twist. Killer soundtrack too.What was it like growing up skating in San Jose, are you still living out there?It was pretty chill. My mom and friends’ parents used to give us rides to certain parts of town and we used to just skate around. When I finally got my license at the end of high school it opened up a whole new opportunity of skating street. We could go wherever. Now my friends and I spend a lot of time skating downtown. I’m still living in SJ with my folks.



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