NC Boardshop supporting DLX The Build Project

NC Boardshop supporting DLX The Build Project

NC Boardshop supporting DLX Build Project. At the current rate of donation it looks like we will be having fun as well as upgrading a spot.Local Rippers Malik and Ryan supporting the cause!

NC Boardshop supporting DLX Build Project.

In addition NC SKATE shop will match all donations.


However no one is looking to blow out any spots. Furthermore we are not looking to encroach on any existing efforts. The Build Project is simply DLX's way of helping further push the DIY foundation in skate communities worldwide. Skateboarders can do anything here’s just one more way we can all prove it together.

The Build Project is a REAL, Antihero, Krooked, Spitfire, Thunder as well as Venture. In addition worldwide fundraising effort with 250+ skate shops and local DIY crews to help raise money to build fix DIY skate spots in their areas.In Addition 250+ BUILD PROJECT Fundraising Buckets were shipped to skate shops in weekly deliveries of 50 Buckets a week.Subsequently inside each BUILD PROJECT bucket were $50 cash from Deluxe to help start the fundraising efforts, along with 'I Donated'stickers for anyone who donates.


NC Boardshop skateboard Team Rider Brandon McCormick


Kleefer the 18.0 KS Globber folding Scooter